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Yemen LNG Supports Straw and Palm Leaf Weaving Project for the Bir Ali Women’s Association

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17 January 2009
“It’s better for me to participate in such a course and be able to generate income than just sit at home,” said one of the female trainees at the opening ceremony of the training course on Straw and Palm Leaf Weaving last week.

During public consultation activities in the Project affected areas, Yemen LNG has learnt that women are keen to generate their own income and thus contribute to improving household’s standards of living. However, female populations within villages in the coastal area and along the pipeline route are generally lacking resources and/or skills. By developing women’s programmes, it is possible for women to play an active role in income generation which would reduce to economic burden on all household members.

To develop the skills of Bir Ali Women’s Association, Hania Uqba from Yemen LNG has coordinated the development of a straw weaving training programme to build on women’s existing skills and to teach them new straw weaving skills and techniques. This small pilot project is being implemented during January and February of 2009. Experienced straw weavers from the Al-Shorog Women’s Association in Mukalla have been identified to provide the training course for the 23 Bir Ali trainees.

In addition, Yemen LNG has provided the Association earlier this month with in-kind furniture supplies to enhance the environment in the training rooms.


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