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The Yemen LNG Approach to achieving Social Compliance

Yemen LNG takes its socio-economic responsibilities seriously and has developed a policy framework for the mitigation and management of socio-economic impacts as well as for longer-term sustainable development investment initiatives. This framework focuses on the management of those issues which were identified in the Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and which have a significant impact. It also lays the foundation for Yemen LNG’s strategic approach to community investment as part of the company’s longer term objective to leave an enduring sustainable legacy for the surrounding region and for Yemen as a whole. All of Yemen LNG’s actions in relation to social as well as environmental impacts are guided by a set of ten overarching Environmental and Social Principles to which the company has committed. Some of the key socio-economic issues and impacts of the Project which have been managed during the five years of construction (Sept 2005 – March 2010) have been:


  • Socio-cultural, community relations and health impacts due to the presence of project camps/workforce (more information on this is provided below)
  • Loss of livelihoods for fishing communities and land/property users (see the compensation section of this page for more information)
  • Impacts on archaeological and cultural heritage,
  • Enhancement of employment opportunities through Yemen LNG’s Yemenisation Programme


A series of plans were put together for the construction phase by a dedicated sustainable development team in Sana’a which outlined Yemen LNG’s mitigation and management procedures in terms of each of the key issues identified. These plans included a Community and Environment Investment Plan, a Community Relations Management Plan, a Construction Camp Management Plan, and a Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan.


The Community Relations Management Plan helped to strengthen and manage the relationship between the company's contractors’ construction workforce and the local community while the Construction Camp Plan implemented a strictly enforced workforce code of conduct, a transport plan for the transfer of personnel to and from site, and a communicable disease health and safety plan.


Furthermore, in order to help manage Yemen LNG’s relationship with the communities and stakeholders in the Project areas, the company has employed Yemeni nationals in the role of Community Relations Officers (CROs). The CROs act as key points of contact and local leaders in the implementation of Yemen LNG’s community relations plan by leading supplementary baseline survey work and consultations with communities in the Project areas. In addition, a team of Yemeni nationals were employed as Site Liaison Officers (SLOs), whose responsibilities included managing issues specifically related to the plant site and pipeline including those related to local people seeking work during the construction phase.


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